23 Studierende der Hochschule Furtwangen und der German University in Cairo erstellten im Mai 2013 transkulturelle Videodialoge zu aktuellen gesellschaftlichen Transformationsprozessen in Ägypten. Der Fokus des einwöchigen Workshops lag auf der Beobachtung von Rollenmodellen und Verkörperungspraktiken in familiären Strukturen.
CROSS CULTURAL MEDIA ist ein Projekt von Daniel Fetzner in Zusammenarbeit mit Marion Mangelsdorf, Magdalena Kallenberger, Nikolaus v. Wolff, Iman Kamel und Ute Freund. Der Workshop wurde finanziert aus Mitteln des Auswärtigen Amts über das DAAD-Programm zur Förderung zivilgesellschaftlich-demokratischer Strukturen und des Transformationsprozesses in Tunesien und Ägypten.
A letter to my father
Ghada Fikri, Jonas Konstandin, Sara Salam, Manuel Kalla
A Letter To My Father, is a text-audio-visual experiment that explores social transformations within the structure of families. It takes us for a journey of memories, intimate emotions, and conflicts that manifest themselves in written words. Through the form of letters, overlapped with visual and audible interpretations of their content, we experiment with fragments of memories trying to see through our own complexities. The process of writing the letters in itself was the trigger of transformation within this multilayered relationship that reveals insights on cultural, social and personal characteristics within the two countries. We invite the audience to keep notice of their personal interpretations of their own families, also in the form of written words.
Nadia Wernli, Tobias Hornstein, Doha Salah, Simon Schwab
It is the personal words about freedom, which know how to define the family, society and the state. Words that create a state of uncertainty inbetween both sides.
Only penetration produces this openness. But openness is at the same time both a weakening and a strengthening. To endure the influx of the Other to the limits of identity, to lose only oneself, can be the way to find oneself.
Selam Zerai, Ebru Metin, Dina Hany, Salma Amir
A family with an old person has aliving treasure of gold.
Between the earth and sky above, nothing can match a grandmother's love.
It's one of nature's way that we often feel closer to distant generations than to the generation immediately preceding us.
Expectations throughout generations
Silvia Rudigier, Nora El Falaki, Sonja Christner, Nadia Mounier
Expectations of women come from society and parents, but also from the women themselves. During our group work in Cairo, we experienced how high Egyptian families' expectations of their daughters really are.
We quickly realized that regular control calls, forbidden stays abroad, and even the approval of future spouses constituted daily life for the girls.
This motivated us to think and compare and we realized that in our own families, we did not have to go back far to find similar restrictions and expectations.
Welcome to Egypt
Jenny Forc, Shaimaa Elgawady
Various religious views differ not only from place to place, but have also changed greatly throughout time. Faith forms our culture and the attitudes towards life connected to it. These differences were noticeable during our meeting in Cairo. This was an occasion for us to deal with religion and intercultural sets of belief and to go on a trip into our past. Despite the many differences, the social familial bond, which is shaped by old traditions, is omnipresent, but not always obvious.
The Story behind our Family Portrait
Frank Bieselin, Sara Elias
"A family portrait is not only about the picture. It is more about the adventure you experience with your own family."
Hochschule Furtwangen Prof. Daniel Fetzner Robert-Gerwig-Platz 1 78120 Furtwangen
Konzepion & Umsetzung: Sandra Beuck, Sabrina Brenzinger, Jenny Forc © 2013
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