Processes of appropriation and narrative self-presentation of adolescents with the 3D-computer game Minecraft as an extension of real-world agency | deutsch

Pupils of the Vigelius-Werkrealschule rebuild urban landmarks of their socially disadvantaged city district of Freiburg/Haslach in the open-world game Minecraft. They present themselves as heroes or bad guys, perform identity tests, incorporate codes as authenticity signals and create new environmental references. The talk will discuss the participative appropriation processes happening during a one week workshop in May 2013 with 10 pupils in the age of 14.

Reales oder digitales Haslach / Badische Zeitung 27.06.2013

''Paper - Aneignungsprozesse und narrative Selbstpräsentation von Jugendlichen mit dem Computerspiel Minecraft als Erweiterung realweltlicher Handlungsmächtigkeit (in German)

In groups out of two people the participants initially explore their daily environments by finding a genius loci which they document via photographs, drawings, text and video. Subsequently they collectively reconstruct and reshape the chosen parts of their habitat with the 3D computer game Minecraft within a local area network (LAN). Each of the ten participants is acting through his/her avatar on the laptop computer while having physical eye contact with the others. In a final step they create video sequences as small narrative units acting through the transformed identity inside the Minecarft surrounding.

Master students of Hochschule Furtwangen do research on the new social and environmental relations where the boundaries between reality and game are re-experienced and redfined. How does the behaviour in the mirror world feed back on the experience of the pysical space and vice versa, how do the different spheres interfere? Which processes of appropriation and transformation processes take place? What form of participatory agency develops in the playful dimension?

Darko & Marcus

Ashley & Dimitriy

Arnold & Nazmi

Marielle & Sabrina

Jason & Sascha


Participants 10 Schüler der Vigeliusschule Freiburg (Klassenstufe 8)
11 Masterstudierende Hochschule Furtwangen - Andrej Bauseler, Daniela Fischer, Marco Haferkamp, Stefan Jeschke, Thomas Keller, Thomas Müller, Carsten Rheindt, Arne Rosencrantz, Tolga Sipahi, Aurélien Yü-Ming Hou und Ci Xiu

19. März Erster Seminartermin Furtwangen
08. April Projektvorstellung an der Vigeliusschule (11:40-13:00 Uhr)
Schüler verfassen Motivationsschreiben + Videobewerbung
11. Mai Aufbau Finkenschlag (15 Uhr)
13.-17. Mai Workshop
12.-14. Juli Präsentation im E-Werk im Rahmen der Tagung »Körper-Medien-Sinnlichkeit«

Daniel Fetzner, Professor Hochschule Furtwangen
Anne Becker, Konrektorin Vigelius Werkrealschule Freiburg
Wolfgang Klueppel, Künstlerischer Leiter Finkenschlag
Graham Smith, Choreograph und Tänzer Finkenschlag
Tomas Wald, Nomade und Wissensarbeiter


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