A text and dance performance organized around a garment factory

Directed by Daniel Fetzner & Vasanthi Dass

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Tuesday, Nov. 27 at 1:15pm in Room N2 Screening Room at Srishti School, Bangalore

A dancer and a reader perform via Skype at two separate locations to create a hyperlocal experience: the reader enacts fragments from Deleuze/Guattari* at a garment factory. The day dreaming driven machine rhythms and text is transmitted to an academic seminar room. There the dancer improvises the incoming signals in relation to her environment and the audience. The two locations are linked via screen projections and sound. »Be the Pink Panther!«


Actor: Shika Chouduri
Dancer: Sowmya Jaganmurthy
Coordination – Puja
Communications/Interviews – Hansa & Uma
Technical setup/Skype – Kushal & Rigzin
Video/Sound Documentation – Manoj & Puja
Stage/Exhibition Design/Light and Sound – Ishaan & Kritisha

Hyperlocal experiments about »Voice and Rythm« at the Center for Experimental Media Arts CEMA in Bangalore

Prof. Daniel Fetzner & Dr. Vasanthi Dass
First meeting: 05.11.2012 at 9:30am in Room N2, R- 2


The workshop is dealing with the permeation of public spaces with digital technologies. The students will investigate artistic strategies of how media interventions create hyperlocal experiences and to what extend this effects our perception of temporal and spacial phenomena in the interaction with the physical environment.

Students: Kushal Sanghavi, Puja Raju Khurana, Hansa Sahu, Kshetrimayum Manoj Singh, Rigzin Tsewang, Uma Sharma, Kritisha Kantilal Jain, Ishaan Samir Hariharan,

The students design and implement in small groups experimental intervention formats to create hyperlocal space experiences focusing on the overall theme »voice and rhythm«. Intervention is understood literally in oder to intervene, to cross through, to interrupt, to thwart and to mediate the digital with the physical. From accompanying observations, interviews and analysis of these intersections specific research hypotheses and questions shall be worked out applying the methodological approach of artistic research.

In the theoretical part of the seminar we study texts to convey a deeper understanding of the methodological approach of artistic research and of interventionist practices to implement the overall theme »voice and rhythm«. Based on positions from the situationist movement and the theories of embodiment we try to get a deeper understanding about the physical condition of the Self in contemporary digital urban spaces.

Schedule and Course Description

Week 1


In a first step the students choose a tangible urban situation which will be analysed with different media tools like text, interview, drawing, photograph as well as sound and video recording.
1st Assignment: Presentation of the chosen site as an assemblage
Monday Introduction; City and Intervention » Slides
Create a homepage at this Wiki to introduce yourself
Tuesday Class at National Gallery; Exhibition City and the Cinema

Read and discuss the text »Being in Two Places at Once« by Katharine S. Willis

Wednesday Introduction and Discussion of Intercorporeal Splits
Thursday Text work


Friday 2pm: Internal presentation of the assemblages
Saturday Working on the concepts
Week 2


Thursday Presentation and discussion of concepts for the Interim project

Read and discuss the text »Non Places« by Marc Augé

Friday Concept discussion & final assemblage presentation
Saturday Meet at 1:30pm at CCS at the Indian Institute of Science for a lecture performance by Rajeev Raja
Week 3


Subsequently the project will be implemented in the chosen urban, social and cultural space. The main question will be how people act, react and interact with the intervention and how it affects their enactive perception.
Week 4


In a final step the impact and usage of this technological interposition will be documented and interpreted in relation to theoretical and other artistic positions.

The workshop at CEMA is also intended to prepare the performance project Embedded Phase Delay in cooperation with students from Srishti and Furtwangen University on Dec 15th. The results of the workshop will be presented both in Bangalore and at the Symposium Körper, Medien, Sinnlichkeit in 2013 at Freiburg and will be published in a book.


The workshop outlined here was already practiced at the German University in Cairo in the Master Seminar Site Specific Media Interventions

Text and References

  • Delhi, India, economy, financial, nouveau riche, automobile, society, global market Essay by Rana Dasgupta
  • In Search for Urban Identity ADNAN BARLAS/MELTEM SENTURK
  • Being in Two Places at Once Katharine S. Willis
  • Bullivant, Lucy (2009): Responsive Environments, V/A Publications
  • Doherty, Claire (2006): Situation, MIT Press
  • Dombois , Florian(2007): Artistic Research
  • Frayling, Christopher (1993) Research in Art and Design. London: Royal College of Art
  • Heidkamp, Philip (2010): Learning from Nairobi Mobility, KISTedition Cologne
  • Kaji-O'Grady, Sandra (2009): Public Art and Audience Reception - Strategies for Informal Urban Interventions, Hatje Cantz
  • Manning, Erin (2009): Relationscapes, MIT Press
  • Moggridge, Bill (2006): Designing Interactions, MIT Press
  • Lasn, Kalle (2000): Culture Jamming, New York
  • Rai, Amit S. (2009): Untimely Bollywood. Duke University Press, London
  • Sennett, Richard (1994): Flesh and Stone. Norton, New York


Marc Augé (1993) »Non Places«
Gilles Deleuze, Felix Guattari * (1987) A Thousand Plateaus Minneapolis: University of Minnesota
Peter Hitchcock (2003) Chronotope of the Shoe
Katharine S. Willis »Being in Two Places at Once«